Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and that He has a wonderful plan for your life? I have a real quick, but important question to ask you. If you were to die this very second, do you know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would go to Heaven?
Let me quickly share with you what the Holy Bible reads. It reads “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” and “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. The Bible also reads, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. And you’re a “whosoever” right? Of course you are; all of us are.
If you would like to receive the gift that God has for you today, say this prayer with your heart and lips out loud.
“Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sin. Wash me and cleanse me. Set me free. Jesus, thank You that You died for me. I believe that You are risen from the dead and that You’re coming back again for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Give me a passion for the lost, a hunger for the things of God and a holy boldness to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m saved; I’m born again, I’m forgiven and I’m on my way to Heaven because I have Jesus/Yeshua in my heart.”
P.S. If you just prayed this prayer and sincerely meant it, would you send me a quick email and let me know that you just asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life. I want to celebrate with you and send you some tips on what to do next. Gods best, Steve at “Think About It” (Email me at: truthersteve@proton.me)
Thank you Steve for all the videos I have watched every one of your videos and I am starting to watch them all again for the second time I love what you are doing and may God bless you and thank you
You are so welcome Leroy!!!
Thank you Leroy I appreciate that and appreciate you watching the videos God’s best!
Steve this is Ricky Hogan or reddog I want you to know that your videos have helped me find Jesus again and I will always be grateful to you. My wife and myself are going to church again and we are living our life for Jesus. Without your videos I don’t know where we would be right now. I love you brother and I pray that we will be friends in heaven one day may God bless you always brother
Hi Ricky, Thank you for taking time to write to me Ricky, I really appreciate your encouraging words and nothing gives me more joy than to find out that my brothers and sisters are walking with Jesus! We are already friends and I will see you in heaven one day brother! Gods best, Steve
Thank you Leroy! Appreciate you!
Judgment will come first in the church is the first video Ive watched of yours, a brother in Christ that I hold dearly sent that video to me, my wife and I watched it but after some time i re watched it again at work, it tore me to pieces. I was the definition of lukewarm, loving my friends and my family to hell, almost instantaneously I saw everything for what it is. I ended up leaving work early to go directly home and tell my wife I was wrong that I had been leading her down the wrong path, fear in my heart from the demons telling me that she will leave me because family members and good friends of ours are non believers, they commit constant acts of sexual immorality and scoff at God, and yet we were yoked with those people. In my soul I could feel God closer to me than he had ever been. Since that point with Gods guidance I am more determined than ever to keep my family on the right path with Gods word. The Lord used you to reach my brother in Christ who was worried about the path I was going down, who in turn reached me and showed me the harsh yet beautiful reality that is our God. May God bless you and all that you do.
Thank you for leaving this comment Ian. Thank you for letting me know that God showed you the importance of following Him and His Word. Gods best, Steve
Steve, on my old I-Pad there is a video about the Elites being arrogant. I tried to share this video, but the “send” button was not lit up to send. Tried more than once. The video is not on this I-Pad. Could you please send me a link so I can share this ,video?
P. S. I have been watching you for years! Good job!
I have asked for the Holy spirit to enter my soul so I can be saved but I haven’t felt like that has happened because of the hate I still have in my heart. I want so much to feel God’s love.
The Holy Spirit won’t live in you with hate in your heart and you need to truly surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Ask him to forgive you and cleanse you of all sin in you and then invite Him into your heart and then you’ll be sealed by the Holy Spirit.
If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For if a person does not love his brother, whom he has seen, then he cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20
I have a need to separate the lies from the truth and I feel you have the knowledge to do just that. Hallelujah Mike
Mike, Thank you for your encouragement, but ONLY the Word of God has the wisdom to do that. This is the reason I regard the Word of God (rightly divided) as the ONLY trustworthy source for us all. Gods best, Steve
Steve, I used to listen to you in 2019-20 & because of your warning, I never got deceived by the powers of this earth, in the last 4 years. I made my choice to follow Jesus in April of 21. Thank you for being a watchman.
Thank you Arne for letting me know! Gods best, Steve
Lets pray we are all on the true page of God, and not confused by wrong teaching or lies from satan and his wanna be;s, Amen
thank you
You’re so welcome John!
I’ve been baptized but I still read it.
I would love information on how to be bold for Jesus & surrender everything to him.
I get emotional about certain things I’m going through & I don’t want to feel like that anymore.
I want to be filled with joy, on fire for Jesus.
God bless! 🙏♥️
Boldness comes from surrender and surrender comes from a “daily” walk with the Lord Jesus and the reading of His Word DAILY. It’s a lifestyle and life practice. Many people are “believers”, but few are “disciples.” Gods best, Steve
Thank you for the prayer link. I read it out loud and meant it. I have been saved for many decades but thought I had better say this prayer out loud. When GOD and his Son Jesus Christ come back to Earth I want to be one of the many that will go with them to heaven and have my name read from the Book of Life.
Sometimes we are “saved” for decades, but never “surrendered.” I know I was that way for too long.
I am afraid to say what I need to say! God Bless you, Jesus Bless you, and the Holy SPIRIT be with you ( and me too)!!!
Please PRAY FOR ME!!! ♥️🌹💒🕯️🛐
Never be afraid to speak the truth Carolyn.
I was born again 3 years ago. At first, I was on fire for God and Jesus, the first year. But then the devil sent in the one person he KNEW would knock me off my path, and I’ve been struggling ever since… My prayer life is weak, it always has been. I’ve always felt uncomfortable praying, and have never really developed an understanding on exactly how to go about it. It always seemed silly to me to tell God what He already knows, or I feel guilty going to him complaining when I need help….. I know, it’s a toxic and misinformed way to look at prayer, but I’m stuck in it.
I’d be beyond grateful for some help or suggestions on this.
Thank you so much!!
I’m going to repeat what I just said to Donna. You need to read the word of God daily. You’re like someone in the wilderness with no food and very little water. How long can you live physically without food and water? EXACTLY!
The apostle Paul told us when he wrote to Timothy, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16
If you neglect your spiritual food, you die spiritually. If you feed yourself daily, with the word of God, you will grow and become stronger in the Holy Spirit.
Gods best, Steve
i know the holy spirit is with me, i got baptised this year and have been born again,
when i pray i know it sincere but it doesnt feel like i am saying it with all my heart.
please help me improve my relation with the lord, jesus and holy spirit.
its where i become stuck, i have the willingness i just need more guidance.
Feelings do not represent your position in Christ. I don’t brush my teeth because I feel like it, I know it’s necessary and you need to understand that reading the word of God daily is just as necessary as you eating every day. You are a spirit, soul, and a body in that order. I guarantee if you start reading the word of God every day, especially the New testament, which is the new covenant that God has made with us, your feelings will change, and you will no longer be “stuck” anymore. Gods best, Steve
Thank you ⭐️🙏🏻
Although I have already said this prayer many times, I always say it again to reaffirm my belief in Jesus Christ Our Lord & Saviour who died for our sins & rose again by Our Father in Heaven 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you for all you do on your channel & website, I have been a subscriber for a few years & appreciate all you do for people worldwide prayers from Scotland 🙏🏴🙏
Thank you Lainy for leaving the comment! Appreciate you and your prayers! Love, Steve
I prayed I desperately need to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that I can love not hate the lost.
Then you will Calvin. Read the Gospel of John and I believe it will minister Gods love to your heart!
I Love Jesus Christ 🙏
Hello Steve My Name Is William C Johnson I Am A Vietnam Vet Have Agent Orange
Am Dealing With It Best I Can Needs Gods Help In my Life To Do What I Should Do
I Read The Prayer & I Meant It I Love Jesus Christ So Now What Do I Do To Start
My Life With Christ I Watch Your Page When Ever I Can Thanks Hope You Can Help
GOD Bless You For All You Do
GOD Bless
William C Johnson
William, I sent you an email outlining steps to implement now that you’ve given your life to Christ. It’s all about developing in your “personal relationship” now. You’ll do that through prayer (talking to Him like you would a very dear friend.) and reading the New Covenant (New Testament) to get started.
Gods best my brother! Steve
Steve, I have sent this prayer to friends in Ukraine so that they may be saved. I have sent them Psalm 23 which has helped them. But, for those who receive true Christianity, I believe it has helped them.
The trumpets of Jericho have sounded
Thank you just found this channel yesterday n will be viewing each day forward…I’m 65 non vaxxed n am ready to move on…life has been good!God Bless U S All!
Yes i prayed your prayer & i beleave
Congrats Steve! Now that you’ve made this decision it’s so important that you develop your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and discover His will for you and that means you need to study the New Testament so that you can grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Read the book of Romans and then read the Gospel of John to get a good start in your understanding of being a Christian. (Both are in the New Testament)
These will help you understand more about Jesus and more about what has happened with you when you received Jesus. You were BORN AGAIN!
Stay in the New Testament (especially the letters by the Apostle Paul) until you have a real understanding of who Jesus is and who YOU are in Him.
The angels rejoice over your decision to receive the Lord Jesus! Luke 15:7 & 10
17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
1 “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
IM just a poor sinner! This life is not about the things of the earth (greed) (wealth) Its about peace of mind love JESUS CHRIST!!!! Pray for me steve! my name is steve horowski
Nice prayer…..I just wrote it down in my KJV Bible that I recently brought (also got my sons a couple Bibles too) and yo Steve, next time you’re in St Augustine, swing by the Moultrie Creek Diner…. I’ll buy ya breakfast….
Thank you Steve. You never know. We might just take you up on that. Gods best, Steve