Vaccinate Your Children Or Go To A Re-education Camp


By Mike Adams

If you disagree with the medical establishment’s lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further than today’s rant from anti-Trump neocon Rick Wilson.

“Anti-vaxxers” are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,” tweeted Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson), a neo-con Republican strategist and so-called “never Trumper.”

This demand sums up the medical police state tyranny and anti-human authoritarianism that characterizes vaccine advocates, almost all of whom are “medical child molesters” who maim children for profit. They quite literally seek to throw parents in concentration camps if they refuse to have their children injected with nearly a hundred toxic vaccines that contain neurotoxic substances such as aluminum, squalene, mercury, aborted human fetal tissue, formaldehyde and even complete DNA sequences of aborted human babies whose genes were genetically engineered to cause cancer.

Here’s a screen shot of the tweet:

A Bush administration deep state / anti-Trump neocon

Rick Wilson is a creature of the criminal-minded Bush administration, which engineered the 9/11 attacks to put in place Patriot Act expansions of deep state surveillance to spy on the American people in the name of “national security.” As explained by

Wilson is best known as being the Republican strategists who served as George W. Bush’s Florida campaign chief during the hotly contested 2000 Florida presidential campaign re-count. Wilson was an appointee to the Department of Defense by then-Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney. He has also serve Rudy Giuliani’s mayoral campaigns and recently wrote the book, Everything Trump Touches, Dies. He has been a columnist for The New York Times, The Federalist, and Daily Beast.

Rick Wilson’s desire to have the state seize the homes of “anti-vaxxers,” kidnap their children and throw the parents into concentration camps is indicative of the deranged medical violence and tyranny that characterizes the entire vaccine industry.

Wilson isn’t an aberration; he’s a “centrist” among vaccine pushers who almost universally share support for pedophilia, open borders child trafficking and medical child abuse, by the way. The same people pushing vaccines also push LGBTP – pedophilia – including “Drag Queen Story Hour” perversions.

Rick Wilson is apparently voicing the beliefs of California State Sen. Richard Pan, also known as the “Vaccine Joker,” who accepts campaign bribes from Big Pharma to force his medical violence upon the children of California through various vaccine mandates such as SB 277. Richard Pan has all the characteristics of a medical molester and chemical violence child abuser, insisting that parents have no rights to protect children from his medical violations of children’s bodies.

The vaccine industry believes it owns your body and can penetrate and invade your body with anything it wants

Make no mistake: The vaccine industry is an authoritarian, anti-human rights “Ministry of Truth” medical cartel that believes it owns your body and can force you to be injected with literally anything they call a “vaccine,” regardless of what it contains.

These beliefs are irreconcilable with fundamental human freedom and civil rights, yet they are being pushed aggressively by delusional tyrants who are true sociopaths that reflect the very same philosophies exhibited by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and other heinous mass murderers. If you disagree with them, they claim the right to throw you in a concentration camp and kidnap your children. Rick Wilson even adds that the government should steal your private property, which includes your home, your bank accounts and all your assets.

This is literally what these people believe. They are not joking. This is what they demand.

And since the vaccine industry now has total immunity in the courts, in the press, and also complete protection by the tech giants who ban and de-platform all alternative views, there is nothing the vaccine industry won’t attempt to silence dissent and force its brain-damaging poisons on all children in America and across the world.

We are witnessing the true desires of the vaccine industry now on display, so thank you, Mr. Wilson, for finally admitting what all the other vaccine pushers have been demanding behind closed doors.

Watch Vaxxed 2 and get ready for the launch of our new “vaccine truth” search engine at

What can you do to learn the truth — and share the truth — about vaccines and the systematic medical violence being committed against children by deranged, authoritarian lunatics like Rick Wilson? First, you can support the film Vaxxed 2, which is found at The entire documentary will soon be for sale at

Secondly, get ready for the launch of the new search engine before the end of this year, as we index all the best vaccine truth websites along with holistic health, wellness, nutrition and real health science websites that are all being systematically censored by the evil tech giants like Google and Facebook.

You can also read or check daily for aggregated headlines from dozens of the most censored websites on the ‘net.

The truth will prevail, and lunatics like Rick Wilson, even as much as they wish to commit acts of extreme violence against informed parents and innocent children, will ultimately be defeated.

Also check out for more reporting on the raw tyranny of the medical establishment.

Views: 14
About Steve Allen 450 Articles
My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and Any controversial opinions in these articles are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. These articles may contain opinions on political matters, but are not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained herein is for general information purposes only. Commenters are solely responsible for their own viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and X, and sharing these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

1 Comment

  1. Steve, I’m right there with you on the Costco mask requirement. I was waiting to renew my Sams membership to see if any changes were coming. It is VERY frustrating, trying to help people and also to share your content with them. Seems like almost everyone resists the truth. You, me, and a few others I know can pour our hearts out to our people’s and they want to stop up their ears and run as fast as they can toward hell. If people like me know and can find out info like what your sight displays, I have to hope President Trump also has that info at hand. My heart hurts for him!

    Your friend Mike Allen

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