There Really Is Collusion Between Trump and Putin


There have been accusations and allegations against President Trump of his collusion with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, ever since the MSM got their marching orders from the globalists.

Last year Vladimir Putin said, “Name the names of the Deep State, or I will!”

Will he do it? Who is on the list? He knows more than most Americans do about their own country. America stands alone.

The G7, as a body, is condemning “America First” policies. Trading boycotts directed at America are coming. America will soon go it alone under Trump, except for one nation. And that nation is Russia.

The EU and the G7 are aligning against America in the same fashion that they have already conspired against Russia by kicking them out of the G8 and changing their name to the G7.

This organization, which is a tool of the New World Order crowd, has devised and implemented, through their friends at the UN, a devastating Muslim immigration problem designed to destroy France, Italy, Germany and other first-world nations whose leaders will not police their borders under the threat of George Soros.

Much of Europe is destroyed and now the G7 is trying to ensnare both Russia and the United States in the same trap.

Since taking office, President Trump has repeatedly tried to secure our borders against the illegal alien immigration, from the Middle East, led by the UN which are exporting hard core terrorists from countries like Somalia to American soil.

Even through Trump’s enhanced security protocols for incoming Muslim refugees would have done no more than verify the incoming traveler was not a terrorist, the liberal judges appointed by Obama, struck down the action. And what was most incredible is that Trump was only trying to screen immigrants from the same 7 countries that Obama did.

Russia did not attack the World Trade Center, 19 Saudis did. Russia is not mass executing Christians in the Middle East, ISIS is. Russia was not the reason that we invaded Iraq twice and Afghanistan.

Trevor Loudon documented the Muslim and communist invasion of our US Congress. Notables such as ex-representatives Cynthia McKinney and Alan West have stated that as many as 80 Democrats belong to front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Communist Party.

Loudon’s research is impeccable. The immigration plot that has made Sweden the rape leader of the world is being supported by Congressional representatives such as Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren et al.

For the globalists plan to succeed they needed help inside the government and they have it in parts of Congress, the State Department, the FBI and most certainly the CIA where former director Brennan actually converted to Islam while leading the CIA.

America is not just under attack from the G7 and the Bilderberg group, they are under attack from several of their own elected representatives who have committed treason on a level that was far worse than anything that Benedict Arnold ever did.

The radicalized Muslims are being used to destabilize the world, start WW III, and then usher in all that comes with the New World Order.

Do you know why I research FEMA camp protocols so much? Because if this plot is successful, that’s where tens of millions of Americans are going and they are not coming out.

Russia and those still loyal to America (eg Trump, you, me) are now backed into a corner and new alliances will emerge.

There Really Is Collusion Between Trump and Putin:

It’s true. Trump and Putin are attempting to backdoor their way to an alliance against the New World Order.

americaWhile Hillary Clinton was promising no fly zones in Syria, in Presidential debate number two, which would have led to war with Russia, candidate Donald Trump was angering the Deep State when he said it is time that the US and Russia get on the same page and enjoy closer cooperation and especially against their mutual enemy, the Islamic jihadists and the globalists who control their puppet strings.

One day in the near future, Russia and America will align against the prevailing New World Order and the rallying point will be the war on jihadist terrorism. If you don’t believe it, just wait and see.

While Europe has allowed itself to be destroyed by a purposely disorganized and often violent immigration emanting from the Middle East, both the leaders of Russia and the United States knows… they are next.

This immigration which has served to deculturize and economically destroy European nations is the major threat to both Russia and the United States.

Trump and Putin are planning to meet in the near future and they are obviously wise enough to see through the globalist plot to destroy both nations by eliminating national boundaries in the United States and promoting disharmony among Russia’s huge Islamic population.

This report has clearly stated the threat to America opposed by the globalists and the Jihadists, now it’s time to turn our attention to Russia. What would motivate Putin to align with Trump?

The Muslim Threat to Russia:
Did you know that Russia’population is 15% Muslim? At current birth rates, Muslims will be the dominate ethnic group in Russia by 2050 and will comprise over 50% of Russia’s population.

Putin faces the real threat of a revolution emanating from within the ranks of his military. According to, “Muslim conscripts already make up more than 50 percent of the Russian Army’s new soldiers and by 2030 this will increase to three-quarters of new conscripts.”

This fact alone poses a significant threat to Russia’s ruling class and sets the potential for a Russian civil war which would be no doubt fueled by globalist-sponsored-jihadist forces… just like Wall Street financed the Bolshevik Revolution.

russiaAnd if you don’t think it’s not a major challenge for Putin, consider the fact that the Russian government has already engaged in military conflict with its Muslim population on two previous occasions:

Muslim-dominated Chechnya 1991-1994
Muslim-dominated Chechnya 1999-2000

Russia has an ongoing problem with domestic terrorism from its Muslim population and it’s on a scale much worse than what America presently faces.

What will Israel do? The simple and most obvious answer is that they would join with the United States. However, Russia is aligned with Syria and Iran and these countries are Israel’s mortal enemies.

Israel is not predictable at this point. If Israel were to join Russia and the US and subsequently became one-third of the ruling force on this planet, they would be better off than they are now. But can Israel get beyond its ethnic hatred of Muslims in Syria and Iran?

The French probably have the ability to pull Israel into their sphere of influence. What Has to Happen for a US-Russia Alliance to Succeed?

First and foremost, all dual citizenship Congressmen need to be taken from office and nobody with a dual citizenship should be allowed to serve in any elected position.

Trump will need to conduct a DOJ purge of the approximate 80 representatives and charge them with sedition, along with administrators from DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA and the Pentagon, along with the leaders of banking in this country.

This will be ugly and could lead to a civil war. However, America will not survive with such traitors in positions of power. This also opens up the possibility of assassination.

Many will reject this last statement, but please consider that before the United States committed ground troops to South Vietnam in 1964, President Diem of South Vietnam and President Kennedy of the United States, both agreed in early October of 1963 that JFK would not send ground troops to South Vietnam, just the combat advisors.

By Thanksgiving of 1963 both men were dead and history was changed. Therefore, there is historical precedent for what I am presenting here. Trump and Putin are in grave danger from this point on if they dare to align.

collusionHave you figured out why the “Russian collusion delusion” was put into play with Mueller as the Special Prosecutor? This was designed to keep Russia and America apart.

Therefore, not only does Trump face a possible assassination, he also faces being impeached for aligning with the Russians.

You almost need a scorecard to follow all of these variables.

One thing is certain… that by year’s end, America and Russia will be aligning, or America will pluge head first into total destruction as the globalists will surely crash this country to prevent any further populism. By the way, that was the major topic, populism, at the Bilderberg Conference.

If America truly knew what was coming, if Trump is not successful, everyone would become an extreme prepper or would be leaving the country and going into hiding in a manner like the Nazis following World War II.

Mark my words America, many of you are one event away from a FEMA camp becoming your last residence. You may not like a lot of the things that Trump has done, but, he’s the only girl on the Island, so to speak.

Trump and Putin represent your last chance in this natural space called earth.

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About Steve Allen 572 Articles
My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and Any controversial opinions in these articles are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. These articles may contain opinions on political matters, but are not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained herein is for general information purposes only. Commenters are solely responsible for their own viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and X, and sharing these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

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