The Global Vaccine SUICIDE CULT

Global Vaccine SUICIDE CULT

Original Article By Mike Adams

The global vaccine suicide cult is very real, and it’s a product of mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-annihilation. Driven to the point of insanity by crazed culture and the psychological terrorism of the mainstream media, many people are now either consciously or unconsciously seeking to end their own lives — global suicides have skyrocketed since the covid lockdowns began — and now they’ve stumbled upon their final solution: The covid vaccine.

Heaven’s Gate was a California cult that ended in the 1990s when nearly all its members committed suicide after having faith that their leader — a man named Applewhite — would bring them to salvation. “And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people.” Jesus said it would happen in Matthew 24:4-5

In much the same way that Heaven’s Gate cult members thought they could achieve ascension and rise above humanity by consuming poison that they believed would teleport them to an “alien mothership” waiting for them on the far side of Haley’s Comet, today’s vaccine suicide cultists believe they can achieve ascension by injecting themselves with a deadly biological weapon that will transform them into a “free” human being and give them VIP status in society (thanks to their vaccine passports).

In exactly the same way that Heaven’s Gate cultists committed suicide in search of ascension to a false god, today’s vaccine worshipers are killing themselves as they pay homage to the false god of “science.” And the outcome will be the same: Mass death and shattered delusions.

When people turn their backs on God, they no longer recognize their self-worth

Sadly, many people no longer have any sense of self-worth because they have turned their backs on God and instead worship technology, science, money or fame. Thus, they have nothing to live for other than more money and fame. When those aren’t fulfilling enough, they seek self-annihilation, not realizing that every human being is a miracle of the divine, created in the image of God.

To inject yourself with a deadly biological weapon that was engineered to terminate human lives is an affront to God and an act of spiritual and physical annihilation. I believe most people taking the vaccine, at some level, know it is potentially deadly, but they welcome the chance at self-annihilation because that’s far better than the alternative, which is being ostracized by society and rejected by their peers. 

Most people would rather die than be rejected, and so the vaccine propagandists are paying off social media “influencers,” celebrities and false authority figure to attempt to equate vaccine obedience with social acceptance.

This preys upon the weak-willed who define their own self-worth by the way others view them (or accept them). The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians, “12 For we do not presume to rank or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they have no understanding.” 2 Corinthians 10:12

To reject the vaccine today, amid all the propaganda and coercion, takes an act of real self-actualization, courage and faith in God. Relatively few people possess that capacity today because they have rejected the very God that granted them life and consciousness.

Thus, those taking the vaccine are literally participating in a grand, global suicide cult that’s being carried out with mass hypnosis, brainwashing and social engineering. Just like Heaven’s Gate cultists, these people are more than happy to take the poison and end their own lives as long as it means they were “accepted” by society in the process.

The reason I mention all this is because we must understand the twisted psychology of these cultists in order to survive their mass suicide, which will impact even those of us who avoid the bioweapons injections. As mass death sweeps across economies and nations, it will have horrifying consequences to the functioning of society, including collapsing supply lines and extreme personnel disruptions in industries like finance, energy, telecom and agriculture.

Large oil businesses are already planning “replacement” strategies to replace their own executives who have been vaccinated. “Succession planning” is what it’s called, and according to this woman, oil executives expect that about half of those who took the vaccine will die in the coming years. And most likely will!

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