Pfizer Documents Show COVID Began Five-Year MASS DEPOPULATION Agenda
It’s not a movie plot, even though it is extremely sadistic and evil. The elites of this world have decided the time for you to go. […]
It’s not a movie plot, even though it is extremely sadistic and evil. The elites of this world have decided the time for you to go. […]
The UN and those in the related NGO’s really believe they will be like gods in controlling everything including weather. […]
This bill completely destroys the Constitution, seizes guns, takes control of schools and healthcare and effectively disarms the USA. And the Democrats have introduced it TWICE! […]
The UN global authority has ordered President Trump to open our borders and admit all migrants. And they also say, “they will be the global authority by the year 2030.” What does the un do? […]
How Far Will the Deep State Go to Avoid Prosecution and Legal Dismantling? I have posed the question, many times, how far is the Deep State willing to go to stay in power? Here’s a […]
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer gives his testimony that proves the New World Order Illuminati Is Real And Secretly Running The World. Why listen to Paul Hellyer? He was an engineer, politician, writer, and […]
The UN will take our guns and Obama was the setup man in which he was to erase as many civil liberties as possible. His mission was to push America to the edge of destruction […]
If the majority of Americans understood that we are under attack right now from the Deep State, they would not be so easily “lulled into complacency.” We’re more concerned about our sports team winning a […]
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