Americas DEATH By A Thousand Cuts
Essentially, after this mid-term election fiasco, the “doom and gloomers” have been proven right, while those claiming the “white hats” would come to rescue everybody are left floating in the wind. […]
Essentially, after this mid-term election fiasco, the “doom and gloomers” have been proven right, while those claiming the “white hats” would come to rescue everybody are left floating in the wind. […]
Two prominent polls released in the past week reveal that Americans’ trust in the mainstream media is at a near all time low, with a significant majority believing that it is a threat to freedom. […]
16 And it makes everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of its name. Revelation 13 […]
No matter what we think of Russia, they may be on the side of right more than the corrupt regime in D.C. […]
The communists and various Muslim terrorist groups have deeply penetrated the Democratic Party and many of these “converts” are serving in Congress. Trevor Louden told us who’s behind the Deep State takeover of the country. […]
What most people fail to realize is that we’ve been living under many forms of “martial law” put in place by Barack Obama that are still damaging America and its citizens to this very day. […]
The Deep State has thrust the “feminazi” movement on America. The Deep State practices what they preach. The Deep State seems to have a gender equality clause in the performance of their anti-government duties. Behind […]
Do you know what FEMA has become and what they plan to do with 2500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide? There are very limited uses and most are not good for human beings. Wikipedia says, “Hydrogen […]
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