Dr. David Martin Exposes The Hidden Agenda Of The Globalists
Dr. David Martin exposed EVERY facet of the criminality of Fauci, Collins and the U.S. government and their international plot to depopulate and get rich while doing both. […]
Dr. David Martin exposed EVERY facet of the criminality of Fauci, Collins and the U.S. government and their international plot to depopulate and get rich while doing both. […]
The last two years has felt like people are living in parallel universes, so much so that it’s almost tempting to wonder whether Zuckerberg’s hideous Metaverse is already a thing, with millions having unwittingly entered it in early 2020 without noticing. […]
Those who are not “low information” can see what’s been happening to our world and WHY, but the masses are still blind. […]
There are ONLY two kinds of people now… Those who believe the LIE and those who see the LIE! […]
Will the world ever wake up and realize that we have been “conned” and it has literally cost many of our loved ones to die prematurely and be killed? […]
The globalists know that the police will not support tyranny, so they are attacking them and their literal livelihood. […]
This is not a game America. If this is allowed to continue it will be the end of the country after 245 years. […]
Mass hypnosis has happened on a global scale. People have believed the biggest lie in the history of mass media. […]
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