deep state

Obama Is Running Martial Law In America
What most people fail to realize is that we’ve been living under many forms of “martial law” put in place by Barack Obama that are still damaging America and its citizens to this very day. […]

America Is Not At A Crossroad, It’s At A Checkpoint
America is at a definite crossroads and we are watching history being made, but it’s not very pretty. America is better described to be at a “checkpoint.” A checkpoint is a barrier or manned entrance, […]

Behind Every Deep State Puppet Is A Powerful Woman
The Deep State has thrust the “feminazi” movement on America. The Deep State practices what they preach. The Deep State seems to have a gender equality clause in the performance of their anti-government duties. Behind […]

President Trump, Peter Strzok And Lisa Page Preceed The Fate Of America
FBI brass, Peter Strzok is a man who has lived a compromised life. Peter Strzok was raised by a rogue CIA operative who was into some very deep “black ops.” He was well-trained from his […]

Why Did FEMA Order 2500 Gallons of Hydrogen Cyanide?
Do you know what FEMA has become and what they plan to do with 2500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide? There are very limited uses and most are not good for human beings. Wikipedia says, “Hydrogen […]

Deep State Treason Is More Than Americans Understand
How Far Will the Deep State Go to Avoid Prosecution and Legal Dismantling? I have posed the question, many times, how far is the Deep State willing to go to stay in power? Here’s a […]

Deep State Never Planned On Losing
The Deep State minions, former President Obama and Hillary Clinton planned on providing the “one-two punch” to completely knock America out, but the deep state never planned on losing. Why does America need to be […]