Using The Funnel Of Destruction
This is not a game America. If this is allowed to continue it will be the end of the country after 245 years. […]
This is not a game America. If this is allowed to continue it will be the end of the country after 245 years. […]
The Chinese launched a war against us and most people don’t even know it’s happening. The “pandemic” is a New World Order backed plot, with the complete involvement and support of the Chinese government, corporate media, all social media and big pharma! […]
Will we even survive another year, or will this be the demise of a nation filled with the division we’ve allowed to fester like a boil, infecting and poisoning our nation now? […]
The cartels, the Democratic Party and the Deep State are coming together to form the clearest picture we’ve ever seen regarding the biggest threat on every front to this country and its people. […]
The hints of the coming World War III are turning into more than a whisper. Jesus Christ told his disciples about what people would see who are living in the last days…. 6 “You will hear […]
I’m very burdened by what I see going on and what I understand is happening right now. And sadly, most people don’t… The United States of America is going to be invaded. Something that’s never […]
Google has no regard for you or me. They have no regard for law or rights of citizens. They are literally building a prototype of a censored search engine for China that links users’ searches […]
Is America about to be attacked by Chinese/Russian forces? In August of 2018, the Pentagon released a report that was not covered in our “corporate controlled media.” I’ve learned that the Pentagon held a closed […]
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