Here’s How They’re Planning To Trigger WWIII
The West is setting the stage for this false flag by pushing the bear hard really right now, crossing every red line issued by Moscow. […]
The West is setting the stage for this false flag by pushing the bear hard really right now, crossing every red line issued by Moscow. […]
There are too many variables right now around the world that can cause catastrophe, and even events on the other side of earth can cause serious problems for you at home. […]
This story may be one of the most incredible, real life modern prophets you’ll ever hear about. But his prophecy about what will happen to America is very sobering. […]
In every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception. […]
The first question that must be asked is: WHO WAS ACTUALLY IN CHARGE? Really in charge at the top.To much excitement surrounds the questioning of Dr. Anthony Fauci under oath about the Covid pandemic response. Again. And he evades, and prevaricates, and avoids taking responsibility. Again.
And, once again, nobody asks the crucial questions. […]
The USA is now 3-and-a-half years deep into the Bidensurgency where communists run the corrupt polls, news, military and DC gulags for “election deniers”. […]
The deeper problem is one of unavoidable spiritual division – Conservatives and patriots cannot live side-by-side with rabid lawless leftists, nor can we accept a leftist controlled government. They have proven that they intend to destroy every aspect of western culture and institute a regime of oppression. […]
What we are experiencing in these last days are extremely troubling and disheartening. A tyrannical government cabal that will rape us all and we stand around and say NOTHING. […]
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