spiritual warfare room

All Christians Welcome To Join This Battle For Our Country

Prayer is about trusting God and taking Him at His Word. For all those who really understand that this battle over America is being waged in the heavenlies as well as here on earth, I’m asking you to pray and believe God with all of us who want America to turn from the immoral and lawless path we’re on right now and turn toward God in a real, spiritual and tangible way. Then, we must be “light and salt” in a dark and perverse generation.

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV

  • Pray that God will remove the veil of those hidden things done in secret
  • Pray that God will overturn the unjust verdicts rendered by judges who are part of the globalist new world order
  • Pray and ask God to give us righteous judges who will do His will
  • Pray that God will remove the lawless politicians and godless in authority and replace them with righteous men and women
  • Pray that the Christians in America will have the blinders removed from their eyes and that they will be filled with boldness for truth
  • Pray that God will strengthen and protect those in government who are doing what is right before God now
  • Pray for Gods protection upon the police, firefighters, EMT’s and other front line workers who do their best to serve the public
  • Pray for protection over President Trump, his family and all those good men and women who are doing what is right before God
  • Pray for all the Christians in America to draw close to God and come out from the love of this world system and then to be “light and salt.”

Pray about anything that you are troubled or anxious about as well… Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua. Philippians 4:6-7 CJB


  1. Just because GOD knew you were going to pray for mankind before you did. Don’t think you lac free will

  2. Choice is ours; God (spiritual) or the World (carnal). Genisis 6 Behold, Satan hath come among the children of men, and tempteth them to worship him; and men have become carnal, sensual, and devilish, and are shut out from the presence of God… Matthew 16 Therefore, forsake the world, and save your souls;… Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him DENY himself, and take up his cross and follow me. And now for a man to take up his cross, is to deny himself ALL ungodliness, and EVERY worldly lust, and keep my commandments… Saints, STOP LIVING OF THE WORLD before it is everlasting too late.

  3. Wanting advice my brother has turned to Satan he has an upside down cross on his arm and has been taken over by Satan what can I do to bring him to God

  4. You said, “God has predestined the end of this planet in His time.” Correct! You can give up on the earth when God gives up… and as far as I see in the Word of God… He NEVER DOES. Your attitude is typical of American “Christianity.” You’ve been indoctrinated with so many false teachings: Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Tithe doctrine (from Old Covenant), Sabbath doctrine (from Old Covenant), Globe earth (great NASA LIE), etc. I HIGHLY suggest you spend much more study time in the New Testament

    This is the response you gave Debbie and although I don’t totally; disagree I would like more clarification regarding your thoughts concerning the Rapture. I know there are several different thoughts regarding the Rapture and I am not clear on what yours are. Could you please enlighten me…

    Joseph Eterno

  5. Hi Steve I have something you might like to check out or you may already know, I’m sorry for posting here, but I feel the Lord king of kings wants me to let you know regarding the nano particles on swab tests, I couldn’t find a way to direct message you, I’ll leave you my email below …. Be Blessed !

  6. Hi Steve,
    I have a question (probably a lame one) but here I go…If we are to be prayer warriors for our nation, what is the point? God has predestined the end of this planet in His time. How will our prayers change that? And why should we want too? I am a citizen of Heaven not earth. I want to go home to be with my Father and my Lord. Won’t praying for a delay just prolong the suffering? I’m not trying to be snarky here. I really want to know. Everything I’ve read says that we are to pray so we are not deceived. I think this planet is beyond saving now. God has set things in motion. Are we supposed to ask Him to change His mind? I’m confused. Please respond with kindness and respect as I want a serious answer.

    • You said, “God has predestined the end of this planet in His time.” Correct! You can give up on the earth when God gives up… and as far as I see in the Word of God… He NEVER DOES. Your attitude is typical of American “Christianity.” You’ve been indoctrinated with so many false teachings: Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Tithe doctrine (from Old Covenant), Sabbath doctrine (from Old Covenant), Globe earth (great NASA LIE) etc. I HIGHLY suggest you spend much more study time in the New Testament Debbie. We’re to be praying for MORE of God’s will on this earth. Your argument is like the argument Paul remarked about…. “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 Far from it! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?” Romans 6:1-2 Read Luke 12:41-48
      9 “Pray, then, in this way:
      ‘Our Father, who is in heaven,
      Hallowed be Your name.
      10 Your kingdom come.
      Your will be done,
      On earth as it is in heaven.
      11 Give us this day our daily bread.
      12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
      13 And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’

  7. dear think about it:

    i’m looking forward to receive more information from you! but i would love to have your snail mail address!!! my snail mail address is:

    andre l. suber
    p.o. box 300480
    boston, mass. 02130

    p.s.: please repeat please don’t let me down!!!!! GOD bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hello SteveMy name is most people call me Rock for shourt, this is what happend to my wife and myself, we had a apointment with my doctor, walk in sat down, the front desk person said that we couldent sit togather, she said we haf to sit 6 feet away from each other isaid what are you talking about? Then my wife got up and said there is No cov.19 why are you separating us? We live togather we are married and we sit togather2 inches togather then I saidWHY ARE YOU ALOWING THE TWO CUPPELS OVER THERE SITTING TOGATHER? AND YOU TELLING US TO SEPARATE THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. SO WE WALKED OUT AND Slamed there door,thoough the door was comming off there hinges.
    Any way got a nother doctor how ever, this is whats happing trying to control us NOT GOING TO HAPPEN WITH WE ARE ATENDING A RALLY ITS CALLED ___ NO MASKS NEVADA __this Wednesday.its all about!!! O U R F R E E D O M !!!!

  9. Hi Steve. I watched your video about why should I keep making these videos. I thought I would send you this video to try to help you with a reason. I know it gets tough when you don’t see anything positive day after day so finally here is something good.

  10. Steve, Jim here, don’t let the bastards win, I dont know the pressure you are under at present, but Jesus to his disciples said that they hated me first and they will hate you as well because of me (paraphrasing a little). Your videos and research you do have been most enlightening to someone until recently had followed Mainstream Media. Thankyou for opening our eyes to the truth. Because of this Plandemic I no longer have a job, so financially I can’t support your platform. I can support you in a more important way through our prayers ( which you are in daily). All our love and best wishes for whatever you decide to do in the future Jim and Lorraine

  11. Hi Steve, l have always admire & watch your programmes on YouTube. With the ways things are going it there other ways l can WATCH your videos.
    I live in England, United KINGDOM. I live alone since this Covid 19, l have been very anxious, overwhelmed and sad with what is happening around me. I pray not to go to hospital because once one gets there, one would never go back home, you become one of the statistic that must DIE to make up number (statistic) of deaths.
    Please PRAY for my family & myself. Thus is causing me a lot of distress/unrest, can’t even concentrate in reading my BIBLE anymore.
    I appreciate your help and taking time to read my email.
    God bless all.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Anita Rounce.

  12. This virus is a bio weapon that was transferred from University North Carolina to China’s BSL4 Lab in Wuhan. Obama signed off on the sale of it in 2015!. China Sliced in 2 types of SARS protein, aids protein on top of this gain of function corona cold virus. The gene can not be put back in the bottle. This was done on purpose. Take it or leave it. It is the truth. Arrests are being quietly being made now. One had been made public. (Harvard Professor with evidence in a suitcase!) I Pray for my brother. I listen to those who speak the truth. You are shining light in a world of lie and darkness! The fear install in people is predictive programming and (exactly what you said) cognitive dissonance. Hard to break threw it! I have sever back injury and enjoy your videos because I don’t feel alone in my knowledge!

  13. Greatfull I found you, may the Blood cover you and your loved ones, angles guard round about you for God devine protection!

  14. The demon-crats are the representatives of the deep state, the deep state is the representative of the lawless one, the lawless one is the representative of satan, satan is the god of this world. Think about that…

  15. Steve……you and Steve Ben nun at Israelit news live…..are the two brothers I check in with daily……I am so grateful to god and Christ for both of you….we are completely in sync…..could you speak on the false synagogue of satan….. and who they are in regards to khazaria…..ashkenazi……and nazis …..zionizm..and israel ……thank you so much for your passion and your courage…..in christ…love and gratitude….jimmy

  16. Hi steve IAM 30 years old I’ve seen the world change so much in my time I have 4 boy’s that I’m raising in these wicked and deceptive times my wife homeschools so my boys do not get exposed to the sickness that is being poured out on are youth Jesus will soon return my brother I’m glad your doing what you are doing my family will keep you in are prayers we love you and God bless you

  17. Steve, Derek my 7 year old just told me respond to this video. “Just tell him I Love him”, and I really like him. Steve this is real. We love you, trust you, and bless you in Jesus Christ’s name. Yours truly in Jesus name amen.

  18. Father God loose Legions of angels from moun high to protect this man from the fiery darts of the evil one Lord in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

  19. If you send out emails I would like to be on your list! I’m a Christian and also very concerned about our country!

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