On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) stated that Democrats “realize that it’s only going to be with the unity that we win in the courts and we win in 2026.”
Meeks said, “We’re in a fight, and we are winning in the courts. It’s a different strategy when you’re in the minority, as opposed to being in the majority. And so, therefore, there’s a different strategy, and the strategy, we are winning in the courts, because, when we come out with all of the votes — look, all of the House Democrats showed up. We had one member who just had a baby, and she came to the floor. Another one that was on with an I.V., came to the floor to vote. So, Democrats are focused on this fight to win in the long run. And how do we win in the long run, when you’re in the minority? People say, we don’t have a plan. We do have a plan. We win the fight, number one, by going to the courts. When you don’t have the votes, you’ve got to go to the courts to make sure that we’re maintaining our Constitution.”
Meeks added that he wishes that there had been talks about how to handle the continuing resolution earlier so that the party would look publicly unified, but instead, they look divided, but, “internally, we will continue to have these conversations together, because we realize that it’s only going to be with the unity that we win in the courts and we win in 2026.”
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