Jeff Sessions Is A Prison Deep State Operative?

deep state

Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions an agent for the

Deep State,

pushing the


system continued buildup?

Jeff Sessions has declared war on all 50 states. In violation of the 10th Amendment, he has told all 50 states that if you promote the use of marijuana, either for recreational or for pharmaceutical reasons, he will put people in prison.

Millions of people smoke pot and marijuana has significant side-effects. However, it’s use as a counter to chemotherapy and its positive impact on people with certain eye conditions, is undeniable.

Of course, the Deep State doesn’t want pot legalized in any form, because it would compete with their illegal drug trafficking and Jeff Sessions is doing his part in protecting that illicit endeavor.

The disproportionate number of people that are being arrested for simple possession of marijuana represent the growing number of people that occupy our grossly oversized prison population.

And with the recent combination of events, initiated by President Trump and Sessions, the prison population in America is going to grow exponentially.

prisonThe move to crimnalize pot smoking, by Sessions, combined with the undeserved tax breaks to the private prison industry, in the new tax bill, constitute aiding and abetting Deep State interests.

The President’s Tax Plan Favors the Deep State Private Prison Interests

Several tax experts have reviewed the recently passed tax plan and have concluded that it is, in part, designed to favor the private prison industry. Here is an example of this majority opinion from the Guardian:

…Individual investors in US private prisons are poised to collect their most lucrative earnings ever thanks to changes in the tax code signed by Donald Trump, continuing what has been a banner year for the industry since the 2016 election.

“It’s going to be great for the investors, banks and hedge funds that own shares in private prisons, and are dependent on increased incarceration and criminalization,” said Jamie Trinkle, campaign and research coordinator with the racial and economic justice coalition…Under the new GOP law, investments in so-called “real estate investment trusts” (reits) will see a 25% reduction in tax, from 39.6% down to 29.6%.

This is an undeserved tax break and it’s going to impact more than the bottom line of the private prison system.

America is #1 in the prison industry!

There are ovetwo million inmates in American prisons, or one in 743 people. Communist China, which has five times the population of the United States, has 500,000 less inmates. The United States has only 5% of the world’s population, but has 25% of the world’s prison population.

In 1972, the U.S. had less than 300,000 inmates. By 1990, the incarceration rate had skyrocketed to one million and by today, the rate has more than doubled again. Why?  Because there are VERY big money interests behind the growth industry of privatized prisons and they’re encouraging mandatory sentencing and zero tolerance sentencing regulations.

prison systemAccording to Charles Campbell, author of  The Intolerable Hulks (2001), the privatization of the prisons movement has its origins in the Revolutionary War period. England began to put undesirables and prisoners in prison ships.

The U.S. fully embraced the use of private prisons during the Reconstruction Period (1865-1876) in the south, following the Civil War. Plantation owners and business owners needed “free” replacements to compensate for the loss of their previous slave laborers. In 1868, convict leases were awarded to private business interests in order to bolster their labor workforce and the practice continued until the early 20th century.

Today, this practice has been taken over by private corporate interests who are increasingly taking over our prison system and this unholy practice is no less exploitative than the slave labor abuses of the past and as in all forms of slavery, it is being fueled by profit.

 Prison for Profit

Private prisons are BIG BUSINESS and President Trump and Jeff Sessions are catering to them. The GEO Group is not the only profitable privatized prison group. The Corrections Corporation of America is the largest private prison operator in the United States. The CCA, now known as CoreCivic, procured its first private prison in, ironically, 1984.

Did you know that in many states, privatized prisons are guaranteed 90% to 100% occupancy rates by the government?

According to the California Prison Focus “The private contracting of prisoners for work fosters incentives to lock people up. Prisons depend on this income. Corporate stockholders who make money off prisoners’ work lobby for longer sentences, in order to expand their workforce. The system feeds itself,” says a study by the Progressive Labor Party, which accuses the prison industry of being “an imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps.”

A Globalist Endeavor to Incarcerate As Many People As Possible

Center For Prison Reform

There are almost 75,000 juveniles in prison and the rates are skyrocketing because of a phenomenon that is now being referred to as the school to prison pipeline in which schools are increasingly refusing to deal with even minor discipline issues and are placing juveniles in police custody.

This has been an ongoing trend in terms of incarcerating as many people as possible. As far back as 2010, there were 5,574 school-based arrests of juveniles in the Chicago Public School. The juvenile arrests accounted for about one of every five juvenile arrests in the entire city of Chicago for all of 2010.

The incarceration rates for Chicago’s juveniles are in line with most other metropolitan areas in the country. There is also a general trend of disproportionate rates of minority contact within the juvenile justice system, Black youth accounted for 74% of school-based arrests, and 22.5% of youth arrested were Latino.

The enrollment of Chicago schools in was 45% Black and 41% Latino. These high arrest rates for so many of our minority youth, create potential slave laborers for the Prison Industrial Complex.

Once a child is adjudicated in the justice system, society usually witnesses a straight line right to prison. These precious children are having their futures robbed from them before they can even get started. What are they being arrested for? The number one reason is fighting on school grounds. Drug use, with marijuana being number one, is the second most prevalent reason that juveniles are in prison. 

Privatized prisons are big business, very big business. The GEO Group, headquartered in Boca Raton, Fla., claimed $115 million in profits on $1.52 billion in revenue in 2013. The GEO Group is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, is worth $2.3 billion, and it paid Chairman and Chief Executive George Zoley $4.62 million in total compensation in 2015.

According to public analysis from the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), the largest holder in Corrections Corporation of America is Vanguard Group Incorporated.

Vanguard is a major player in controlling several media giants. Vanguard is the third largest holder in Viacom and AOL Time Warner.

deep stateVanguard is also the third largest holder in the GEO Group. The GEO group, second only in size to the CCA with regard to privatized prisons as it controls over 100 correctional facilities in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa.

In addition to CCA’s unwarranted control over the media, the number-one holder of both Viacom and Time Warner is a company called Blackrock. Blackrock is the second largest holder in CCA, and the sixth largest holder in the GEO Group in this never-ending incestuous relationship. This is why you are not hearing about these abuses in the media.

Need A Job? Go to Prison, They’re Hiring-SLAVE LABOR IN AMERICA

The Prison Industrial Complex is an impressive growth industry which is fueled by its Wall Street investors and leads to greatly overcrowded and inhumane prisons.

According to the Left Business Observer, the highly privatized federal prison industry produces “100% of all military helmets, ammunition belts, bullet-proof vests, ID tags, shirts, pants, tents, bags, and canteens. Thus, we see a partial marriage between private prisons and our government’s wars of occupation. Prison slave labor is being used to produce the weapons and supplies of war.

America has found an antidote to the loss of manufacturing through the various free trade agreements (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA). Unfortunately, prison slave labor is the solution. The Left Business Observer identifies private corporate interests benefiting from prison slave labor which includes the manufacturing of “93% of all paints and paintbrushes; 92% of stove assembly; 46% of body armor; 36% of home appliances; 30% of headphones/microphones/speakers; and 21% of office furniture.”

It’s possible that President Trump’s tax bill was the casualty of congressional negotiations which ended up benefiting the private prison industry and Trump needing a legislative victory, let this undue benefit slide through. Jeff Sessions has no excuse for his actions on multiple fronts.

The actions of Jeff Sessions will undoubtedly and significantly, increase the size of America’s already-bloated prison population. Taxes will increase to support these “lock-em up” policies.

George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are huge players, through shell corporations, in the private prison system. So why did President Trump allow his tax bill to be changed to reflect this undue benefit to private prisons?

prison systemJeff Sessions needs to go and President Trump and the GOP need to revise the tax code and erase this undue benefit.

It is interesting to note that when Dave Hodges did a radio show on private prisons in 2016, one of his ex-ARSOF sources said that private prison interests would be running the FEMA camps. Dave thought he was making a bad joke. Unfortunately, this source was NOT laughing.

Article By Dave Hodges

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