CDC Warned That 15,000 Americans Will Die EACH WEEK By Christmas!

vaccine deaths

Original Article By Mike Adams

BUT, there’s a catch… it’s actually VACCINE DEATHS that are accelerating just as independent doctors told us all along!

In a stunning development that confirms the mass vaccine die-off is accelerating, the CDC now openly admits that 15,600 Americans will die each week by Christmas, with deaths continuing through the first part of 2022. (Source: UK Daily Mail citing the CDC)

The CDC claims these are “covid” deaths, but of course they are actually vaccine deaths. Covid vaccines inject people with toxic spike proteins or the mRNA instructions to manufacture spike protein nanoparticles. These particles are the disease, and they cause widespread vascular, neurological and reproductive damage.

The side effects of these vaccines are identical to the “symptoms” of covid for the simple reason that the vaccines are the pandemic. Thus, when people are injected with the vaccines, they are “given” covid. Once they die, they are said to have died from covid instead of from the vaccine.

The CDC’s early warning alert system which is tied into US hospitals is throwing out a large number of red flags indicating the leading edge of a mass die-off wave among the vaccinated. In a panic, the CDC put its propaganda machine into gear and issued announcements that have been picked up by the world’s controlled media, including the UK Daily Mail which covered the CDC news, describing the upcoming mass deaths prediction as “grim.” From the Daily Mail, we see the shocking admission that one of the “largest outbreaks” of Omicron in the USA occurred among the “fully vaccinated:”

It is feared that a ‘tidal wave’ of Omicron is headed for US shores, with the UK recording its biggest one day case total ever on Thursday-  78,610 – with 10,000 of those cases confirmed as Omicron.

One of the largest US outbreaks of the Omicron variant to date is believed to have occurred at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where almost all 930 cases over the past week are believed to be of the variant.

All of the confirmed Omicron cases in the Cornell University are among people who are fully vaccinated, and some of them are in people who’ve also had booster.

Understand that so far, to our knowledge, there isn’t a single recorded case of an unvaccinated American dying from Omicron.

Rather, the Omicron variant — and Delta before that — appear to inflict the vaccinated. That’s because the vaccinated have destroyed their immune systems by taking vaccine shots and booster shots.

Get the body bags ready… the vaccines are kicking in

The 15,600 deaths per week that the CDC says will take place in America by Christmas are actually deaths of vaccinated people who are dying from: 1) Destroyed immune systems colliding with Omicron, a very mild strain. Or 2) Antibody Dependent Enhancement effects caused by the vaccines which result in the body waging a hyperinflammatory reaction against simple infections such as the seasonal flu.

The CDC is anticipating over 60,000 Americans will die per month through the winter, meaning we can anticipate somewhere around 200,000+ Americans to be killed by these vaccines before the spring. This is further worsened by the nationwide vitamin D deficiencies that always occur in the winter due to a lack of sunlight and outdoor activity (which has been further worsened by lockdowns and quarantines).

Already nearly 400,000 Americans are DEAD from the vaccines, and by April, it will exceed 600,000

As pandemic analyst Steve Kirsch has correctly pointed out, even using very conservative estimates, covid vaccines have already killed at least 388,000 Americans. With another 60,000+ dying each month over the winter months, we can very conservatively estimate that by the end of the 2021 / 2022 winter, 600,000+ Americans will have been killed by covid vaccines.

That’s the equivalent of more than ten Vietnam Wars in terms of the number of US casualties. Or about 200 9/11 tragedies.

It puts the vaccines into the category of a holocaust.

Yet Biden continues to falsely claim that everybody who gets a vaccine will be safe from covid, even when the data clearly show that it’s the vaccinated who are dying.

In reality, Kirsh and other analysts are being very conservative with these numbers. In all likelihood, we are approaching one million deaths from the vaccine in America right now and will almost certainly exceed one million total deaths by the spring of 2022. The jab is a depopulation weapon, not a vaccine.

Globally, total vaccine deaths will likely exceed ten million people by mid-2022, dwarfing the number of Jews who were murdered by the Nazi regime in World War II.

Yet we are all told to keep taking vaccine shots even though they don’t work. The very fact that they don’t work, in fact, is the justification being given to us for why we need to take booster shots.

Bombshell new study finds vaccines are virtually useless against Omicron

At the same time, a bombshell new study out of Columbia University — covered by the NY Post — finds that the Omicron strain is almost entirely resistant to covid vaccines. This means, in effect, that covid vaccines are now utterly useless and offer no protection whatsoever. Yet they have destroyed the immune systems of those who took the vaccines, leaving them vulnerable to all other infections that might coming along (including the common flu).

From the NY Post:

A new study out of Columbia University says the Omicron variant is “markedly resistant” to vaccines and boosters might not do much to help, spelling bad news for the country as Omicron spreads and COVID-19 cases rise nationally.

The scientists express concern in the study published Wednesday that the variant’s “extensive” mutations can “greatly compromise” the vaccine, even neutralizing it.

Study authors even warned that all the antibodies from current covid vaccines may be made obsolete without warning due to natural viral adaptation, saying, “It is not too far-fetched to think that this [COVID-19] is now only a mutation or two away from being pan-resistant to current antibodies.”

In other words, every person who took covid vaccines got NO benefit but took HUGE risks and destroyed their immune systems in the process. Plus, they will now grow cancers at ten times the normal rate due to suppression of anti-cancer components of the immune system (including chromosome repair mechanisms in cell nuclei).

In conclusion, the so-called covid “vaccine” really is a depopulation death jab. And the depopulation is now accelerating, exactly as myself and independent doctors and scientists have long warned.

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About Steve Allen 564 Articles
My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and Any controversial opinions in these articles are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. These articles may contain opinions on political matters, but are not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained herein is for general information purposes only. Commenters are solely responsible for their own viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and X, and sharing these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve


  1. They cannot kill the favored of GOD! Though ten thousand should die on my left and ten thousand should die on my right, the Lord God will preserve his faithful servant. I do not fear their evil. And should the Lord not deliver me out of the hands of the wicked, still will I always serve the Lord my God.

  2. Hello Steve, have a look at this comment from the WHO talking about the vaccines and what they do to children?

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