Americas DEATH By A Thousand Cuts

americas death

Original Article By Mike Adams

In the aftermath of yesterday’s mid-term elections, the only good news is that we have essentially paused some elements of the Democrats’ agenda of total destruction by taking control of the House (as is currently projected but not yet called). This alone will pause the Democrats’ legislative and executive monopoly over America, and it gives the American people a bit of breathing room to try to adjust to the disturbing reality of what’s coming next.

That’s where the bad news kicks in, because what’s coming next for America (under Democrat rule) is going to be a multi-year “Dark Winter” of economic collapse, food inflation, censorship, tyranny, global war and more rigged elections.

Essentially, after last night’s mid-term election fiasco, the doom and gloomers have been proven right, while those claiming the “white hats” would come to rescue everybody are left floating in the wind.

The “hopium pushers” only made things worse

For two years, some people pushing “hopium” have maintained the illusion that a secret group of do-gooders would rescue America, reinstall Trump and wage mass arrests against the treasonous actors who are tearing down this nation. We were told again and again that the deadlines for this action were being moved forward, to await yet another key milestone date, and that the American people simply had to see how bad things got before the good guys would swoop in and save the day.

The reality, however, is that no real action ever actually happened. It was all just a series of stories and narratives that were, at times, entertaining but never rooted in anything that could be verified.

It turns out there are almost no good guys left in power. The entire wretched system has been infiltrated and is now commanded by evil, satanic Marxists and anti-America haters who are hell bent on destroying this nation as quickly as possible. The only holdouts against this appear to be at the state level, where leaders like Ron DeSantis stand out as law-and-order defenders who are working overtime to protect their states from federal tyranny. Thank goodness America still has states that can assert their own sovereignty.

The hopium has run out, and reality is rudely intruding. There is no super secret A-Team coming to set things right. Thus, we must face the harsh reality of where we find ourselves right now: The Democrats are just getting warmed up in terms of the starvation, currency collapse, homelessness, bioweapons outbreaks and nuclear war that they plan to unleash against us all. We haven’t even begun to see how bad this gets. We have only lived through the warm-up round, in other words, over the last two years. Now the real fireworks begin.

And nobody is coming to save us (other than ourselves and God, at some point). Anyone who has been sitting back and “watching the show” while waiting for victory has been seriously deceived. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your beliefs and realize that the doom and gloomers were right all along.

Stop your hopium addiction now and join the fight taking place in the real world, in other words, because hopium has only led America down the path of weakness and inaction. And now we find ourselves barely clinging to the last vestiges of the republic, staring into the abyss of totalitarianism and mass genocide. We are one slip away from annihilation.

From this day forward, Democrats know they NEVER have to answer to the voters ever again

What the mid-term proved is that Democrats know they can cheat and rig any election at any time. They just installed a brain damaged stroke victim in the U.S. Senate, for God’s sake, without batting an eye. They don’t need candidates who can cognitively function, of course, since Fetterman will no doubt be outfitted with a remote earpiece implant and told exactly what to say in real time, just like Biden. Democrats want human robots or mentally deficient puppets to take office because they can easily be controlled (and are incapable of thinking for themselves).

Speaking of control, Democrats also now realize that as long as they have voting machines in play — and mail-in ballots, early voting, etc. — they can rig every outcome.

The shocking upshot to all this is that Democrats now know they never have to answer to the voters ever again.

It doesn’t matter to the Dems that 70+% of yesterday’s voters said they were frustrated or “angry” with government policies. Even if that number were 90%, Democrats would simply crank up the rigging algorithms to compensate. Answering to the voters is now an ancient, outmoded concept to Democrats, and the entire theater of elections only serves the purpose of adding a smear of legitimacy to an otherwise wholly corrupted process of selecting and installing leaders into public office who are despised by the very people they claim to represent.

The United States of America is no longer a representative, constitutional republic. It is an authoritarian, monolithic dictatorship where dissenting views are either completely ignored or outright criminalized. The idea of voters becoming unhappy as food inflation worsens or diesel fuel runs out doesn’t bother the Democrats one bit. They don’t have to answer to voters anyway, so why should they care what voters actually think?

From here forward, Democrats don’t even have to pretend to cater to the interests of the people. They can simply dictate their demands, no matter how insane, and arrest anyone who refuses to comply.

Hunker down and get ready for a long, dark winter of suffering and collapse

The bottom line in all this? Although Dems look like they might lose some control of the House of Representatives, they are preparing to unleash years of economic and social hell across America.

Remember, these lunatics, “genocided” their own voters with “vaccine” propaganda that killed or maimed millions of people. They murder babies and celebrate it. They are evil demons, and there’s nothing they won’t do to try to destroy America and humanity as a whole. That’s their goal: Global economic collapse and depopulation.

This is what happens when good people sit back and do nothing while waiting for someone else to come save them. It’s like what Sir Edmund Burke once uttered (paraphrased): “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

We are afflicted by that very thing: Good men (and women) doing nothing while America burns to the ground. People have become so accustomed to suffering, it seems, they no longer recognize a collapse when it’s happening in real time.

Soon, even the Lefties won’t be able to deny how bad things are becoming, but they are psychologically conditioned to always blame it on someone else rather than their own corrupt, disingenuous leaders who are deliberately attempting to exterminate humanity.

Could the US really be headed for a second civil war?  Americans have a tendency to look at unrest in foreign nations and conclude that such things cannot happen here.  What we might really be thinking is that because it hasn’t happened here in 150 years, that it can’t.  That’s probably not the safest reasoning.

Barack Obama certainly played his part in turning our nation into a pressure cooker. He set back race relations 60 years, opened up our borders to all kind of third world migrants and terrorists, torn down the fabric of law across all branches of government and even stockpiled military weapons in local law enforcement agencies across the nation. And now he’s using his demented loyal minion puppet Joe to finish the demolition of America.

As the global elite continue to fund and inflame race relations across the country, a Second Civil War could very well move from the realm of the imagination to reality. We have all the pieces of the puzzle in place right now. Actually, from a globalist standpoint, a civil war is a necessity.

So, if it’s a possibility, then preparation would be wise. DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH FOOD FOR YOUR FAMILY AS FOOD SUPPLIES SHRIVEL UP?

Views: 212
About Steve Allen 447 Articles
My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and Any controversial opinions in these articles are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. These articles may contain opinions on political matters, but are not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained herein is for general information purposes only. Commenters are solely responsible for their own viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and X, and sharing these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve


  1. Agree Steve. This is the perfect storm. I knew that nothing would change. I told myself after the Biden election and the governmental and judicial response that I’d never vote again. And I will never vote again. You know the shock of having lived all of your life thinking one thing to only find that this thing that you believed in was always and continues to be a lie. I have no idea what happened in the mid=terms but I suspect it was not good in my state. And, I heard the house is Republican now and the Senate is Democrat. This is the outcome desired by those who run this world. You know it and I know it. Nothing will change when the laws of men prevail. Let them play their games. I have the joy and comfort of the Godhead in my life. I follow the laws of men only if these laws match up with God’s laws as further defined by Jesus Christ in the new covenant. It is quite satisfying to have no fear.

  2. The people in the DemonicRat Party have given themselves over to Satan. They will not be stopped until Satan is stopped. Period. The End.

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